My breakfast of steel cut oats, raspberries, blackberries, honey and cinnamon. |
Day 2 of Insanity was a plyometric cardio circuit...holy damn was that hard, but I'm proud to say I did a little over half totally look like a gomer but I don't care. |
my post workout/late lunch chowdown...italian blend salad with chicken, green peppers, and sundried tomato vinaigrette with an orange and almond milk on the side. |
Okay, in all seriousness, I almost DIDN'T work out today because I am so sore from yesterday's fitness test. But I want so bad to prove to myself that I am able to push myself this hard and keep with it and succeed. I wanted to cry a couple of times towards the end of the workout because it was so damn hard! But I pushed through it, took little breaks when I really needed it, and pushed myself until I felt like throwing up. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my throat by the end. But I keep visualizing where I want to be and that really helped me push myself. No more excuses! No more letting my depressive voice get the better of me. I'm ready now to follow through and get my body back. I am ready to take control of my eating habits and bring them back around to the healthy habits I have been all too lenient with....It's hard, but now that I'm home most of the time again, I have time to focus on me, and that's what I'm going to do. I need to better myself for my whole families sake.