Sunday, March 24, 2013

new leaf

this morning I had a double layer egg, turkey bacon sandwich with one slice of cheese, on whole wheat 45calorie bread with ketchup and frank's red hot...sooo yummy!  On the side I had an orange and a couple cups of coffee.

For lunch I'm going to have a turkey and cheese sandwich with chips on the side with a big bottle of water.

feeling pretty good today...a little stressed, but not nearly as bad as yesterday.  the kids were so difficult yesterday and I skipped my workout last night and opted for margarita's and a bath instead.  Feel bad, but not going to beat myself up over it.  I'll do some light cardio tonight it make up for it.  Have to study for a big test I have in A&P on Tuesday morning and I have a couple assignments due in my Medical Terminology class tomorrow by 8p...I also go back to work schedule is Monday-Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday-Wednesday....crazy week ahead that's for sure...and I have to find time to study for my second Lab Practical test the following Tuesday morning...those are hard!  Been horrible at keeping up with my workout routine and it's showing...I hate myself for it.  I have to get better at pushing myself and get myself on a regular sleeping routine....well routine period.  And stick with sleeping in, no messing around...have to make a strict schedule for myself right now otherwise I slack or just do nothing.  That's not going to cut to get me to my goals in exercise, school, or anything if I procrastinate.  Starting tomorrow I'm getting up a 6a, grab a couple cups of coffee, head downstairs for weight training, come up for breakfast, then some study time, chill with the family, take a shower and then get ready for work.  I need to structurize myself....there IS time for everything, but I just have to structure it...plan it...blah that's going to suck!  And I have to watch what I eat, start calorie counting again, eat my big meal in the morning for breakfast(since it is what kick starts the metabolism for the day), a decent but not too big meal in the middle of the day for lunch, and then a smaller meal at night with a healthy snack before bed.  I can do this...need to work out a schedule for myself and print it and put it above my desk in our bedroom...Structure and discipline will get me to where I want and need to be.  :)  I just have to work out the details.  But I'm good at that sort of thing...just need it on paper.