Monday, January 28, 2013

Alright, here we go....AGAIN!

Alright...I got the Zumba Exhilarate 5 dvd set and I was going pretty good for a little while, then I fell off the band wagon.  I haven't stuck to a consistent diet plan, which I need to if this blubber's gonna melt away, and haven't been super consistent with my exercising.  Starting today, and from now on, I'm going to do weight lifting in the morning/afternoon and Zumba after dinner, along with calorie counting and watching my carb/cheese/junk food intake<------major problem!   I've been down on myself for quite a few months about losing weight and just seeing everything hang instead of suck in and lift up....but it's my fault, no one else's because of my inconsistencies.  I need to get really disciplined if I want to achieve my goal of getting down to 150(that's 20lbs) before spring hits and 140-145 before summer hits so I can get a new sexy swim suit...and might have to get more summer clothes ;)   I am going to do this!  I need to do this for my self-esteem's sake.  I hate feeling like a blubbery, flappy blob!  I want to feel comfortable naked in front of my husband again...I know my stomach isn't going to be perfect ever again, that's just the reality of having kids.  I don't want six-pack abs, but if it happens yay!  All I want is a lifted butt, firm thighs, a semi-flat stomach, no flappy chicken wings(yuck!), an in shape hour glass figure again, and self confidence through the roof!  This will only happen if I make it happen!  I can put blame on who ever I want, but it's my fault and I'm the only one that can change it, and change it I shall!

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