Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 2...Lower body and exhilarate

Well...woke up at 5:30a just to find out that my kids school's are closed because of the ice rinks we have for roads from the freezing rain we got over night.  I e-mailed my professor and canceled my class for today and stayed home as well.  I tried to go back to sleep, but it didn't work that well, so I made a full 12cup pot of coffee and had a couple (2 of my cups usually sends me flying high!)  Then once the kids finally woke up, I told them they could make some cereal for themselves, and I made poured myself a bowl as well.  Then, as the usual, I putzed around on the internet until I was ready to get myself ready for my first workout session of the day. 

I did my Zumba first today since it's an hour long session and I don't want to be doing that at night before bed....I like my sleep thank you very much! But I like all of the dvds thus far...the hour went by extremely fast :)  Now it's time to make myself some lunch quick and then go out and get some beer ;) oh yea!  lol 

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